Womb Healing Ceremony

Womb Healing Ceremony

Experience a transformative journey through our womb healing ceremony. Prior to the ceremony, we offer a personalized consultation to discern your unique requirements. Tailored to your specific needs, our ceremony encompasses various elements, including energy work, sound therapy, crystal therapy, acupressure, somatics and specially curated essential oils. During the ceremony, you will embark on a guided journey to nurture and heal your womb space. Additionally, you will receive techniques and practices to continue your healing journey at home, ensuring sustained well-being beyond the ceremony itself.

Who is womb healing for? Everyone! We all have divine feminine energy and every single one of us came from a womb. Womb healing not only can heal your own wombs but also generational wombs! 

The benefits of womb healing: 

Helps with menstral cycles, improves regularity and can reduce discomfort, can help with fertility issues and overall reproductive health, can help create a calm and loving space for pregnancy, release stored trauma to our wombs, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, reconnecting with our wombs and every womb for generations back and cut energetic cords with past partners.

2 hours

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